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Thyro-lab with its active subtance Liothyronine Sodium represents a medication used for fat loss purposes. Thyro-lab up-regulates the beta-2 adrenergic receptors in fat tissues.

Competing bodybuilders, in particular, use Thyro-lab during the weeks before a championship since it helps to maintain an extremely low fat content, without necessitating a hunger diet. They usually stimulate their metabolism by taking Thyro-lab, which causes a faster conver¬sion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

High blood pressure, fever, hair loss, and insomnia are side effects that may occur with Thyro-lab. Side effects of the thyroid medication are generally minor and, in most cases, either do not require medical attention or can be treated easily. It is important to keep in mind that side effects of Thyro-lab typically occur when the dosage is too high.


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